Thermal Baths whcih were too early to stop at..
If I was tired yesterday, I'm not sure what I am today... Exhausted is probably the best description. Despite the brutal heat that extended well into the night, I had a pretty good sleep, but 0430 came early and I had to roust myself out of my bed in order to be on the road by 0500. We thought we had 32 km to cover, but more on that later. Early morning is a fine time of day to be outside, and for photography. And this reminds me, I was able to purchase a universal charger for my camera battery last night and was back in business this morning taking photos.
Butterfly Visits Flower
The morning wore on, and just like yesterday, it was really hot by about 0730. The only thing that made it a little more bearable was the breeze, which thankfully stayed with us all day. We made a few stops in shade and twice at bars for sustenance. I drank no less than 4 litres of fluid, including water, gatorade, coffee and lemonade but expelled only about 250 mls the whole day. In spite of all the fluids, my hands decided to do an imitation of surgical gloves which have been inflated. At one point today they hurt because they were so puffy, and I wondered how more fluid they could handle before they were rendered useless. Sylvia referred to me as the 'Sweet Little Michelin Woman'. At least it gave the situation some comic relief, but if anyone has any solutions for this problem, aside from putting one's hands above the heart, do let me know.
Gisella, Joel, Sylvia and I have become a nice little family. We walk in a loose group, usually with Gisella or Joel in the lead and me lagging behind by a hundred metres or so, and when there are important turns, we wait for the last person. Its nice when it feels like the day will never end and there is someone else nearby. As I mentioned earlier, we thought we had 32 km to cover, but in the end it was a little longer by about 4 km,due to inaccurate mapping.
Walking on the Shoe Melting Autostrada
And now, after a brief rest for my throbbing feet (I owe them big time, perhaps a new pair shoes or sandals or both in Rome), I have been staggering around the ancient streets of charming Radicofani, hoping to find Wifi and to my surprise, I got an unlocked wireless signal outside the police station.... Best make my post before they catch me stealing Wifi...
Radicofani in the Distance
Alcuni esercizi per mani gonfie
ReplyDelete1. Iniziamo il nostro stretching; chiudiamo le mani a pugno lasciando fuori il pollice e riaprendole sciogliendo le dita. Facciamo tre serie da 15 movimenti l’ una.
2. Poi premiamo l’ unghia contro il polpastrello del pollice della stessa mano; ripetiamo lo stesso movimento con tutte le dita e successivamente cambiamo mano. Facciamo l’ esercizio 2 volte.
3. Iniziamo a muovere contemporaneamente le dita di entrambe le mani, come se stessimo suonando un pianoforte. Facciamo 2 serie di movimenti della durata di mezzo minuto l’ una.
4. Appoggiamo una mano sul tavolo; rilassiamola e tiriamo all’ indietro ogni dito aiutandocii con l’ altra mano. Ripetiamo il movimento 10 secondi per ogni dito.
5. Afferriamo il lembo di un foglio di giornale e appallottoliamolo il più stretto possibile senza aiuto dell’ altra mano. Ripetiamo l’ esercizio un paio di volte per ogni mano.
6. Infine strizzamo uno strofinaccio prima in una direzione e poi nell’ altra. Eseguimo questo movimento 4 volte.
7. Continuiamo congiungendo le estremità delle dita premendole forte. Facciamo 10 pressioni 2 volte per mano.
8. Appoggiamo le mani su una superficie piana e alziamo le dita, una dopo l’ altra. Ripetiamo 3 volte per mano.
9. Uniamo le mani palmo contro palmo e allontaniamo le dita a due a due. Ripetiamo il tutto 3 volte.
10. Infine, per sgonfiare e assottigliare le dita, massaggiamo ogni dito dall’ estremità verso il palmo, il tutto 4 volte per ogni dito.
Un saluto a Gisella e Joel.
ReplyDeleteA big hug to Mindy.
xo R.
Hey Miranda. I had a similar problem with retaining liquid on a yacht delivery from the Virgin Islands to NY..We were working in the yard in Tortola and it was very hot. I was concerned as I was just not in balance with my liquids. The trusty captain told me to eat bananas (potassium)and it worked like a charm.
ReplyDeletePlease take care my dear and look after yourself. It worries me to think of you in this extreme heat.